Chairman of the Board
Chairman of the board of directors/ owner---------------------- 2011-present
CEO and Founder------------------------------------------------------------- 2003-2011
- Directed the company
- Managed design and build projects (EPC):
- Designed hotels and residential complexes
- Designed and planned urban projects
Dubai, U.A.E
Member of the board ------------------------------------------------------- 2007-2013
- Managed financial plans for projects tendering
- Directed marketing department
Ras Al-Khaimah (U.A.E)
Member of the board ------------------------------------------------------- 2007-2009
- Managed financial plans for projects tendering
Kish, Iran
Chairman of the board ------------------------------------------------------ 2004-2006
- Directed design department
- Designed and planned urban design projects (tourism and recreational)
Construction Consultant for Vice President --------------------------- 2001-2002
- Responsible for design and construction of bank branches (nationwide)
Senior Designer for Renovation and Urban Rehabilitation --------- 1998-2001
- Checked Urban Rehabilitation projects in historical part of cities
- Checked Reconstruction projects and Residential projects in historical part of cities
- Designed Pilot projects
Architecture and Urban Intermediate designer ------------------------ 1996-1998
- Designed and planned urban design projects in historical part of cities
- Designed Renovation and Architecture projects in historical part of cities
Architecture Junior Designer ----------------------------------------------- 1991-1995
- Designed Architecture projects
Direct Master of Architecture ----------------------------------------------- May 1996
“The Residential Complex: Separated from the City”-------------------------2003
“The Process of the Building Pathological studies”---------------------------2003
“Modular Mass-Building of Housing”---------------------------------------------1999
“The City Entrance” ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1998
“A Modular System for Designing and Prefabricating Educational Complexes”-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1994
“Light Prefabricated System of the Fast-Constructed habitations” -------1994
“Considering the Industrial Productions in Iran” Vol. 1 (Partitions) ------ 1994
“Considering the record of shell structures”--------------------------------------1993
“The Necessity of Cultural and Social Studies in Urban Plans”--------------1993
“Pathology of Brick-Shaped and Muddy Buildings Based on Experiences of
Arg-e-Bam Restoration”------------------------------------------------------------- 1992
“Pathology of Brick-Shaped and muddy buildings”--------------------------- 1992
“Researching and preparing the Renovation plan of Arg-e-Bam”----------1992
Chairman of the Board
. Construction Technology Developers (Fanavaran)
Consulting Engineering Co., Tehran, Iran
Chairman of the board of directors/own : 2011-present
CEO and Founder : 2003-2011
– Directed the company
– Managed design and build projects (EPC):
– Designed hotels and residential complexes
– Designed and planned urban projects
. Monoman – General Contracting and Trading for building material Co.
Dubai, U.A.E
Member of the board : 2007-2013
– Managed financial plans for projects tendering
– Directed marketing department
. Shahin Al-Zahbi General Contracting Co.
Ras Al-Khaimah (U.A.E)
Member of the board : 2007-2009
– Managed financial plans for projects tendering
. Kish-Fanavaran Consulting Engineers Co.
Kish, Iran
Chairman of the board : 2004-2006
– Directed design department
– Designed and planned urban design projects (tourism and recreational)
. EN Bank, Tehran, Iran
Construction Consultant for Vice President : 2001-2002
– Responsible for design and construction of bank branches (nationwide)
. Urban Developing and Rehabilitating Organization (UDRO), Tehran Iran
Senior Designer for Renovation and Urban Rehabilitation : 1998-2001
– Checked Urban Rehabilitation projects in historical part of cities
– Checked Reconstruction projects and Residential projects in historical part of cities
– Designed Pilot projects
. Arseh Consulting Engineers Co., Tehran Iran
Architecture and Urban Intermediate designer : 1996-1998
– Designed and planned urban design projects in historical part of cities
– Designed Renovation and Architecture projects in historical part of cities
. Iranian Housing Development Consulting Engineers Co., Tehran Iran
Architecture Junior Designer : 1991-1995
– Designed Architecture projects
. Tehran University , School of Fine Arts, Tehran Iran
Direct Master of Architecture : May 1996
. First grade license in Architecture, Iran construction organization : 2009
. Presenting an article to the Sahifeh Eskaan monthly magazine
“The Residential Complex: Separated from the City” : 2003
. Presenting an article to the Haftshahr quarterly magazine:
“The Process of the Building Pathological studies” : 2003
. Presenting an article to the second festival of the building engineering:
“Modular Mass-Building of Housing”: 1999
. Presenting an article to the second congress of Architecture and Urbanism of Iran:
“The City Entrance” : 1998
. Case Study:
“A Modular System for Designing and Prefabricating EducationalComplexes” : 1994
. Case Study:
“Light Prefabricated System of the Fast-Constructed habitations” : 1994
. Performing an investigative project:
“Considering the Industrial Productions in Iran”Vol.1(Partitions) : 1994
. Performing an investigative project:
“Considering the record of shell structures” : 1993
. Presenting an article to the second Student Conference of Civil Engineering:
“Pathology of Brick-Shaped and Muddy Buildings Basedon Experiences ofArg-e-Bam Restoration” : 1992
“Pathology of Brick-Shaped and muddy buildings” : 1992
Chairman of the Board
Chairman of the board of directors/ owner-------------------------------------- 2011-present
CEO and Founder----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2003-2011
- Directed the company
- Managed design and build projects (EPC):
- Designed hotels and residential complexes
- Designed and planned urban projects
Dubai, U.A.E
Member of the board ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007-2013
- Managed financial plans for projects tendering
- Directed marketing department
Ras Al-Khaimah (U.A.E)
Member of the board ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007-2009
- Managed financial plans for projects tendering
Kish, Iran
Chairman of the board --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2004-2006
- Directed design department
- Designed and planned urban design projects (tourism and recreational)
Construction Consultant for Vice President ------------------------------------------- 2001-2002
- Responsible for design and construction of bank branches (nationwide)
Senior Designer for Renovation and Urban Rehabilitation ------------------------ 1998-2001
- Checked Urban Rehabilitation projects in historical part of cities
- Checked Reconstruction projects and Residential projects in historical part of cities
- Designed Pilot projects
Architecture and Urban Intermediate designer --------------------------------------- 1996-1998
- Designed and planned urban design projects in historical part of cities
- Designed Renovation and Architecture projects in historical part of cities
Architecture Junior Designer -------------------------------------------------------------- 1991-1995
- Designed Architecture projects
Direct Master of Architecture -------------------------------------------------------------- May 1996
“The Residential Complex: Separated from the City”----------------------------------------2003
“The Process of the Building Pathological studies”------------------------------------------2003
“Modular Mass-Building of Housing”------------------------------------------------------------1999
“The City Entrance” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998
“A Modular System for Designing and Prefabricating Educational Complexes”--------1994
“Light Prefabricated System of the Fast-Constructed habitations” -----------------------1994
“Considering the Industrial Productions in Iran” Vol. 1 (Partitions) ---------------------- 1994
“Considering the record of shell structures”------------------------------------------------------1993
“The Necessity of Cultural and Social Studies in Urban Plans”-----------------------------1993
“Pathology of Brick-Shaped and Muddy Buildings Based on Experiences of
Arg-e-Bam Restoration”----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1992
“Pathology of Brick-Shaped and muddy buildings” ------------------------------------------ 1992
“Researching and preparing the Renovation plan of Arg-e-Bam in Kerman” -----------1992
“Researching and preparing the Renovation plan of Arg-e-Bam” : 1992