Title :The Versatility Approach in the Formation of the Underground Architecture in the Second Pahlavi Era (Case Study: Quran Museum) and Its Utilization Necessity in Sustainable Development of the City of Tehran
Type of the Paper: Compiling
Researcher :Mohammad Mahdi Safaee , Narges Hamzeh
Date of Operation :2018
Presented in : Associated Research Centers for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS)
With the rapid development in the last decades, Tehran has encountered many problems including air pollution, visual pollution, environment pollution, traffic issues, lack of public transportation and green spaces, energy loss, security requirements and need for Infrastructure developments. Sustainable urban development is one of the new methods in urbanism. Use of underground spaces progress could play an important role in sustainable city development in dense cities. This article describes the versatility approach in formation of the underground architecture of the Quran museum in the second Pahlavi era, the aspects and benefits of using these spaces and its utilization necessity in future and current development of the city of Tehran. After proposing the question and its importance, the concept of versatility and features of the underground architecture in the second Pahlavi era and the reasons for the formation of the museum in underground are represented. The Study results show that in addition to restore the historical buildings and cultural heritage, the versatility approach in formation of the underground architecture observing principles of sustainability could be effective in solving urban issues, even in one building.